Friday 27 February 2009

A day using kites

Today I we awoke to not just the groaning of the sea ice beneath us but also the flapping of sides of the tent.

Today would be a windy day and with it a very cold day with the added wind chill factor.

I rolled over and peaked out of my sleeping bag at my thermometer, it read -25'c, the wind was a steady 30-35km per hour making it feel more like -40'c!

This was however just what we had been hoping for, it maybe a tad chilly but the wind was up and that meant ... Kite Skiing.

Kite skiing is another form of transport in the polar world. Sarah and Eric Mcnair skied across Greenland in just 7 days and back from the south pole in an amazing 12 days.

So into the wind we went to master the skills for handling kites. Training started on small kites which steadily got bigger until we were all sliding around the bay. Fingers crossed that the wind will stay high so we can combine our new kite skills to skiing tomorrow.

Another great day with new skills learnt, although very cold.

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